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Obamacare Survival Guide By Nick Tate Download =LINK=

Sixteenth-edition guide explains benefits, eligibility, and enrollment procedures for government retirement, pension, and medical programs. Discusses social security coverage and dependents', survivors', and disability benefits; Supplemental Security Income; Medicare enrollment, claims, and appeals; Medicaid and state supplements; Medigap insurance; and civil service and veterans' benefits. 2011.Download DB73687

Obamacare Survival Guide by Nick Tate Download


Journalist presents guide to managing personal finances for younger adults. Topics include analyzing the state of your finances, debt, banking, investing, retirement, real estate, insurance, taxes, and military benefits. 2017.Download DB88668Download BR22208

Una guía de referencia comprehensiva para la compra de una casa. Explora los fundamentos de la economía doméstica, financiación, hipotecas, la selección de un agente de bienes raíces, negociando el mejor precio, y la inspección de la casa. Proporciona consejos y explica los errores más comunes realizados por los compradores de vivienda. (Comprehensive reference guide to buying a house. Explores the basics of home economics, financing, mortgages, selecting a real-estate agent, negotiating the best price, and home inspections. Provides tips and explains common mistakes made by home buyers.) 2007.Download DB68971


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